
Types in MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Solvers

Type Iterator<T>

Namespace MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Solvers

An iterator that is used to check if an iterative calculation should continue or stop.




Public Constructors


Initializes a new instance of the Iterator<T> class with the default stop criteria.

Iterator<T>(IIterationStopCriterion`1[] stopCriteria)

Iterator<T>(IEnumerable<IIterationStopCriterion<T>> stopCriteria)

Initializes a new instance of the Iterator<T> class with the specified stop criteria.
IEnumerable<IIterationStopCriterion<T>> stopCriteria

The specified stop criteria. Only one stop criterion of each type can be passed in. None of the stop criteria will be passed on to child iterators.

Public Methods

void Cancel()

Indicates to the iterator that the iterative process has been cancelled.
Does not reset the stop-criteria.

Iterator<T> Clone()

Creates a deep clone of the current iterator.

The deep clone of the current iterator.

IterationStatus DetermineStatus(int iterationNumber, Vector<T> solutionVector, Vector<T> sourceVector, Vector<T> residualVector)

Determines the status of the iterative calculation based on the stop criteria stored by the current Iterator<T>. Result is set into Status field.
The individual iterators may internally track the progress of the calculation based on the invocation of this method. Therefore this method should only be called if the calculation has moved forwards at least one step.
int iterationNumber

The number of iterations that have passed so far.

Vector<T> solutionVector

The vector containing the current solution values.

Vector<T> sourceVector

The right hand side vector.

Vector<T> residualVector

The vector containing the current residual vectors.

bool Equals(object obj)

int GetHashCode()

Type GetType()

void Reset()

Resets the Iterator<T> to the pre-calculation state.

string ToString()

Public Properties

IterationStatus Status get;

Gets the current calculation status.